Web Design: 4 Website Techniques for a Better User Experience

Is your website is failing to convert leads? Perhaps you’re building a website from scratch? Whatever the case may be, you’re hoping to optimize user experience by employing some new website techniques. 

Fortunately, you’re in the right place. Below, we’re going to provide you with four website design tips, helping you to create as effective a website as you possibly can.

Let’s go! 

1. Utilize Calls to Action

Whether you’re trying to sell something or are trying to get someone to sign up for your monthly newsletter, when designing your website, it’s wise to implement calls to action. A call to action is an instruction that tells the visitor of the website what you want him or her to do. For instance, if you want the visitor to contact you, you might write something to the effect of: Contact us now for a free estimate! 

These calls to action should be obvious and frequent, populating the tops, middles, and bottoms of each web page. Ideally, they’ll be coupled with contact forms. That way, the visitor can enter his or her information without having to leave the page that he or she is currently on. 

2. Implement a Responsive Website

In this day and age, a good amount of web browsing is done on mobile devices, particularly cell phones. As such, if you want your website to be optimally successful, you need to make it responsive to different devices. 

If you don’t do this, it will display poorly and will be difficult to navigate. What happens if it’s difficult to navigate? Visitors become discouraged by it and click out. 

You can learn more about responsive web design at Lform.com

3. Use Images

On-page web copy is important but equally as important are images. Images draw eyes in quickly, allowing them to find specific elements without much searching. 

For this reason, you need to use images on each and every one of your web pages. Make sure that these images are relevant to what your website is about and that they’re of high quality. Utilizing irrelevant or low-quality images can actually have an adverse effect on your website. 

4. Link, Link, Link

One of the biggest mistakes that novice web designers make is failing to implement links. There should be links located throughout each of your web pages. By placing links within buttons and within your text, you make for a much more navigable website. 

This way, users don’t have to scroll to the top of the screen every time they want to go to a new page. They can just click on the links that are right in front of them.  

These Website Techniques Can Make a World of Difference

If your goal is to improve the user experience on your website, these website techniques can make a world of difference. Put them to good use and your metrics are bound to improve. 

In need of other web-related tips? Our website has you covered. Check out some of our other articles now!